
My Daily Prayer and Bible Study Routine

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming back to the blog. This post is slightly late and will also probably incite some questions, which I will answer in my next post. So without further ado, let’s get into my prayer and bible study routine.


The morning is one of the most important time for me to get into the presence of Jesus. When I wake up, I drink some water and do a Catholic morning prayer. This sets my heart upon Jesus before I go and eat breakfast.

Throughout the Day

Before meals, I say grace to focus my attention on God’s goodness as well as to give thanks to Him.


At noon, I say the Angelus. I say this prayer as a way to refocus on the eternal instead of the worldly. It also allows me to remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the entire reason He was sent to earth. The Angelus allows us to meditate on the gospel and reminds us of our salvation through Jesus Christ.


This is probably gonna be the longest section of this post because this is where I do my bible study. This routine takes me at least an hour to do because of the focus on prayer and study.

The first thing I do in the evenings is put on my veil and pray the rosary. This allows me to focus on Jesus and what He has done on earth and His spiritual significance in my life.

Once I finish the rosary, I start my bible study. I’m reading the bible in chronological order this year. I will write down convictions and lessons in my bible as well as in my planner so that I can go back to a certain day and see what I have learned.

After my bible study, I do my She Reads Truth devotional and reflect on what was taught that day. I’ll pray about what the Lord revealed to me during my entire bible study. I’ll go and read my gwers for my druid faith and then, I’ll go and get ready for bed before I finish the routine.

The ending of my routine is the last thing that I do each and every day. This is one more catholic prayer that I do and it is called the daily examination of conscious. I’ll kneel at the side of my bed and place myself in the presence of God before going through three “words.” These words are “thank you,” “I’m sorry,” and “please help me more.” Once I confess my sins and ask for God’s help, I will make an act of contrition before saying an Our Father and Hail Mary.

Once I finish this prayer, I turn off my lights and go to bed.

I hoped you enjoyed reading about my prayer and bible study routine. Here are a few links that will be helpful if you want to learn about Catholic prayers (rosary and daily catholic prayers).

xoxo Meghan