About Me

Hello! My name is Meghan and I run this blog. I’m based in Colorado where I still live at home. The purpose of this blog is to explore my faith and femininity as well as just a journal for my life.

My faith journey is not “normal,” however when it comes to faith and religion, is there ever a normal? To the outside world, I present myself as a Christian, however to my family and close friends, I present myself in a different way. I consider myself to be a druid, but one who believes in Celtic deities as well as Jesus Christ. This will be examined further in a blog post.

Now, even though I want to explore my faith on this blog, I also want to explore femininity and homemaking as well as productivity, health, fitness, and school. I am a senior in college and through the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve learned that I cannot succeed in school through virtual learning, so this semester (Spring 2021), I will spending a lot of time exploring my femininity and increasing my health and fitness.


I am also engaged and soon to be married, so exploring the role of “housewife” is very important to me. I’m learning all about homemaking and finding ways to enrich my future family.


Thank you for taking interest in my blog!

Feel free to look around and I’ll see you in a bit.

xoxo Meghan