
My 2021 Goals

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog. Today, I would like to talk about what I wish to do here in 2021. There are a variety of types of goals that I would like to accomplish, so let’s get started!


The first type of goal that I would like to discuss are my femininity goals. I would like to learn how to be more feminine and get out of a masculine mindset. I want to become more soft and nurturing in my every day life.


The next type of goal are my life goals. These goals have to do with certain milestones that I haven’t yet reached and other goals that will improve my life. In 2021, I would like to get my driver’s license, move out of my parent’s home, save $8,000, learn to invest, read much more, and start my own small business (which might be here on the blog).


For my spirituality, I would like to read the entire bible in chronological order, study one gwers every week, go to church weekly, and do a daily bible study.

I don’t have too many goals for 2021, however after 2020, I decided that I needed to calm down and really get my life back together.

I hope you enjoyed and I have one question for you: if I were to sell handmade items on this website (such as blankets, pillows, sweaters, hats, scarves, quilts, and other clothing items), would you buy them? Please answer in the comments 🙂

xoxo Meghan