
Femininity Series: My Morning Routine

Hey all! Welcome back. Today, I have decided to launch a new series on the blog called the “Femininity Series.” In this series, I will be expressing ways in which I am going to become more feminine.

To start off, I thought I’d show you my new morning routine. Now, I haven’t implemented it yet, however I want to start it the day after I’m writing this (January 17th). This routine will encourage my faith, health and wellbeing, as well as my stimulate my mind. It will also allow me to be ready by 9:45am, which is usually the earliest that I need to be at work.

So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

6:30am – I usually naturally wake up at this time. I’ll take my temperature, drink some water, say a prayer, and use the restroom. This allows me to assess my health for the day as well as just do some bodily functions that need to be done lol.

6:45am – At this time, I’m normally hungry, so I go downstairs and start to cook (and eat) breakfast. My breakfasts always include at least one source of protein, some carbs (such as toast or rice), and a piece of fruit.

7:15am – Once I finish breakfast, I go back upstairs to my bathroom to make my bed, brush my teeth, and do my morning skincare. This helps with my oral health, dermal health, and allows me to take care of my space.

7:30am – Now, I’ll do some yoga. I do this to move my body in a way that will strengthen my muscles, while at the same time reminding me to be mindful and relaxed. It’s also just a beautiful exercise that I will always recommend.

8:30am – Alright, so now is when I get dressed and do my makeup. If I’m staying home all day, I’ll change into some home clothes and do a very simple makeup routine, however if I’m going into work at some point in the day, I do a more involved makeup routine and wear clothes that match the weather.

8:45am – I’ll do a little bit more exercise by taking my dog on a walk (or at least attempting to) since he needs to lose some weight and get some exercise.

9:00am – This is my time to relax. I’ll grab a cup of coffee and maybe a cookie before I curl up on the couch with my dog and read at least a chapter of my book.

9:30am – If I work early and it’s cold outside, I’ll warm up the car and brush the snow off if needed. Otherwise, I’ll continue to read or knit.

9:45am – This is the time I leave for work if I have a 10am shift, but before I go, I’ll grab a quick snack to eat in the car. If I don’t work, I’ll still grab a snack and I’ll watch YouTube or listen to podcasts.

I hope you enjoy this feminine, almost self-care-esque, morning routine and I hope that it inspires you.

xoxo Meghan